Campus Action Ministry
As God’s timely instrument for transforming the world around them as envisioned by Metro’s mission of “Changing our world by turning people into fully devoted followers of Christ”, campus young adults (collegians, university students and fresh graduates) are called for such a time as this to be movers and shakers for our nation.
To facilitate their growth unto maturity to be young adults in their own right (with a steep learning curve like never before!), we have purposed in our heart to nurture this generation with a clear emphasis on:
Equipping for life – discipleship them through the Word of God, as well as training them for effective miniastry and leadership;
Community building - providing a nurturing ground for authentic Christian living to happen as they come together with their peers;
Outreach - expressing their love for God and for one another by serving through their God-given talent and to reach their peers for Christ.
Recognizing the uniqueness of campus young adults, here are just some of the words that characterize our campus ministry:
Action. Biblical Worldview. Bonding. Community. Discipleship. Discussion on Real Issues. Faith Dialogue. Food. Fun. Friendship. Games. Growth. Idea-Generating. Interaction. Laughter. Life Application. Loving & Caring. Maturity. Pastoral Guidance. Peer Support. Prayer. Sports.

When Do We Meet?
We have a dinner gathering at least twice a year for campus young adults from all around the city to come together for a time of dialogue, fun and fellowship.
Once a year, we will go out as a team to visit and serve the under-privileged as part of our Touch Lives community efforts. From time to time, we will also organize special events (i.e. BBQ, seminars, sports or trips) to meet the specific needs of campus young adults.
Since January 2015, our team from Campus Action Ministry has been anchoring the Young Adult celebration service (catering to young adults ages 18-30), which happens from the 2nd to 5th Sundays of every month at 5.00pm in our Desa Melawati premises.