campus action ministry*
We recognise that Campus students are called for such a time as this to be movers and shakers for our nation of Malaysia. We know that they are God’s timely instrument for transforming the world around them. This is a time when they grow and mature (with a steep learning curve like never before!) and develop into young adults in their own right.
As a church, we have purposed in our heart to nurture & equip them for life in campus, disciple them through the word of God, in ministry and leadership. Together, we provide a nurturing ground for real Christian living to happen. They will express their love for God and for one another by serving through their God-given talent and to reach their peers for Christ.
We recognize the uniqueness of campus students and hence you can expect Campus Action Ministry gatherings to reflect this belief of ours. Here are just some of the words that characterize our time together :
Bonding. Community. Friendship. Loving & caring. Peer support. Biblical worldview. Discussion on real issues your generation are facing. Life application. Questions on faith.Dialogue. Idea-generating. Interaction. Discipleship. Growth. Maturity. Pastoral guidance. Prayer. Food. Fun. Games. Laughter. Sports.
When Do We Meet?
We have a lunch gathering at least once every two months (with additional activities in between i.e. sports, sleepovers etc). Our gatherings usually begin with lunch immediately after the Sunday celebration service, followed by a time of fellowship and dialogue on topics that are relevant to the life of campus students.
Twice a year (usually in April and October), we will go out as a team to visit and serve the under-privileged as part of our Touch Lives community efforts.
From time to time, we will also organize special events/ seminars/ conferences/ camps tailored to meet the specific needs of campus students.