AOIC - Alpha Omega International College (Extension Centre)
The AOIC Extension Center was established with a goal of providing men and women with theological and ministerial training.
We aim to challenge , train and equip men and women towards a greater depth of excellence in God’s work, ministerial skills, and impartation of vision and anointing to promote the mission of the church and the extension of God’s kingdom. Much is learnt through lectures, stimulating discussions, and supervised practicums and field experience. AOIC welcomes all from different backgrounds and churches.
Our lecturers are men and women of academic excellence on top of possessing a wealth of experience in various fields. We offer comprehensive ATA accredited programmes ranging from Certificate to the Master level in affiliation with AOIC, PJ.
For more information & registration, kindly contact Ps Tsui Yen at 03-61841658.
UPCOMING AOIC COURSES - Trimester 1 (2025)
Acts of the Apostles | NT201/BNT514
JANUARY 14, 21 | FEBRUARY 4, 11, 18, 25 | MARCH 4, 11 (TUEs @ 7:30 -10:30 PM)
Witnessing the Spirit’s Power in the Early Church! This course takes you on a journey through Acts, uncovering the Spirit’s power in the early church. Explore its historical and theological depth, and witness God’s hand in its explosive growth. Dive into the apostles’ mission and draw life-changing lessons for your spiritual walk. Discover the timeless truths that inspire bold witness and faithful discipleship today.
Multi-Cultural Counseling | C0462/PC0752
JANUARY 7, 14, 21 1 FEBRUARY 4, 11, 18, 25 1 MARCH 4 (TUEs @ 7:30 -10:30 PM)
This course is designed to provide students with the foundation, basic knowledge and skills for functioning as competent lay counsellors within their multicultural communities. Emphasis will be placed on the individual’s personal identity, personal cultural mindset and personal prejudices while exploring issues such as multicultural awareness and cultural immersion.