Jesus came to turn our world upside down so that He can turn our lives rightside up
LifeGroups Special Meetings
Week 1 - 27th March - 2nd April
Week 2 - 3rd April - 9th April
Week 3 - 10th April - 16th April
Jesus came to turn everything upside down. His life was an example of how we are to live, and His death and resurrection made a way for each of us to experience God’s forgiveness. This Easter series presented in LifeGroups and via 3 vidoes — 2 that feature people who interacted with Jesus, sharing their stories of how they witnessed Him turning things upside down, and 1 Easter anthem that connects Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to our lives today.
Celebrate Good Friday in Life Groups to strengthen the faith and bond of our Metrotab community.
Fri. 31 March – Mary of Bethany: After Palm Sunday.
Fri. 7 April – Good Friday Special: The Last Supper and Reversing the Curse.
Fri. 14 April – The Great Commission. A Post Easter Action Plan.
3 Days Prayer & Fasting
6th, Thursday - 8th, Saturday - April 2023
It is that time of the year where we ponder and reflect on the true meaning of Good Friday and Easter. Without the cross, there will be no resurrection and victory over the enemy.
However, Good Friday has a series of chaotic and unpleasant events leading to it.
For this, we have prepared a simple three days of Fasting and Prayer Reflectional Guide to prepare you. We hope as you reflect, you will have a fresh revelation of true meaning of the cross.
We pray also that you will experience the presence, the power, and blessings of God in an extraordinary way too. We pray that your hearts will be open to His leading and that you will see many breakthroughs and victories. May you get closer to God more than ever as you seek Him over the next three days.
You can submit your prayer(s) and testimonies here: https://metrotab.org/pray/
For more general guide and information about fasting and prayer, head here: https://metrotab.org/prayer-fasting-guide/
Let us all gather and celebrate with a Combined Sunday Easter Celebration Service
Metro Tabernacle Main Hall at 10am – 9th April 2023
(we will not be having our Saturday service on this week, 8th April 2023)