Is this your first time participating in Fasting & Prayer?
What is Fasting?
Fasting positions us for what God desires to do in our lives. It will deepen our hunger for God and sharpen our focus on Him as it demonstrates our dependence on God. Furthermore, it is our spiritual duty (Mark 2:20).
What is Prayer?
Prayer is making our requests to God based on a relationship with Him. He wants us to spend time in getting to know Him and His purposes and His ways as we pray. He wants to reveal to us things about our lives and our part in His plan for His glory.
Why do we fast?
Fasting can be effective alone, and God certainly answers prayer even if it is not accompanied by fasting. But when you combine prayer and fasting, they become even more powerful (Matthew 17:21). You strategically target your need with the greatest spiritual strength that is available to you.
A Simple Guide for Beginners
10 mins in Worship + 10 mins in Reading the Word + 10 mins in Prayer!

Prayer & Fasting Guide
When is a suitable time of day for us to begin?
Do plan to spend time with God daily. Fix a place and time where you can seek Him in the ‘secret place’. If you do not plan to pray, you will not.
There is no fixed rule as to when is a good time (Ps. 55:17, 63:1). The principal issue is we set aside a time for prayer. This requires discipline.
Since it is also the fasting week, we can opt to set aside our lunch time to pray.
How do we begin?
The Bible says, “Let us enter the gates with thanksgiving….” (Ps 100:4)
Begin with praise and thanksgiving to God for all He has done and is going to do. Prepare some familiar praise and worship songs as you begin your daily session.
Take some time to read the daily verses given. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak/minister to you through these verses. You can use the prayer guide for our prayer items.
End your session also with praise and thanksgiving.
How long is long enough?
Where are you in your walk with God? Maybe you never think at all about prayer. For some of you, prayer is something new. At the beginning, it may be just few minutes. As time goes on, your communion with God should last longer.
There is no rule to say how long you should pray. The effective prayer is not measured by how loud or how long or how eloquent you are. Your prayer will be effective and touch the heart of God when you are sincere and when you ask for things according to his will. God looks at your heart, not your external appearance (1 Sam. 16:7).
Types of Fasting
There are many types of fasting as listed below:
a) Total Fast
Abstain from solid food for 24 hours. Take only water. If you choose to go for a total fast for over 21 days, please seek the advice of your doctor.
b) Partial Fast
Abstain from solid food for an extended part of the day. Take only water. The time frame is a matter of the individual’s commitment to the Lord. For example, some may keep it at 12 hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Others may prefer a shorter period, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., breaking fast with a light snack.
c) One-Meal Fast
Sacrifice one full meal a day. For example: lunch fast or dinner fast.
d) Daniel Fast
Abstain from meat and other delicacies. Take only small portions of fresh fruit, vegetables, and juices.
e) Liquid Fast
During a fast, some people drink only water. Others take various kinds of fluid, such as fruit juices, broth, soya bean, etc. It is wise to abstain from strong stimulants, such as tea or coffee.
f) Object Fast
Some people decide to fast from something completely unrelated to food, such as TV or computer time and other activities that take away their attention from God.